Written by: Christine Marah
Legal Compliance
Ethics, what is it? Everyone
perceives it differently. What might be
considered ethical to one individual may be considered unethical to someone
else. An issue that organizations often encounter is
determining whether an employee’s actions are ethical or unethical. Ethics Resource Center (ERC) is a nonprofit
research organization that has been focusing on the ethics department in both
public and private organizations for over 88 years (Harned, 2012). A conclusion that was drawn from one of ERC
recent surveys was that within the past year, about 3,000 United States
employees witnessed ethical misbehavior (Millage, 2005). Another observation that was drawn from the
same survey, was that there is a strong connection between an organization’s
overall ethical culture, and the conduct of its employees. Seventy percent of
employees employed within an organization with a weak ethical culture either
witnessed and/or experienced ethical misbehavior in the past year, while only
34% of employees within organizations with a strong ethical culture reported
witnessing ethical misbehavior (Millage, 2005).
Every organization has an
obligation to make sure they are legally compliant with the current laws. Teaching what is considered ethical and
unethical can be nearly impossible. The
Chairman of the Board of Lockheed Martin, Norm Augustine, stated “We don’t
teach ethics, we teach ethics awareness” (Trevino, Weaver, Gibson, &
Toffler, 1999). A
challenge that knowledgeable managers are beginning to face is how to create
awareness about ethical and legal matters (Trevino et al., 1999). Unfortunately, organizations can not expect
that every employee is knowledgeable with the current laws and regulations that
are related to their job title (Trevino et al., 1999). Since organizations understand that not every
employee is knowledgeable of the current laws and regulations, they began to
create an ethics and legal compliance program (Trevino et al., 1999).
Ethics and Legal Compliance Program
About 10,000 employees who are
employed by one of the six largest American companies were sent a questionnaire
to their home asking: “What works and
what hurts in corporate ethics/compliance management?” (Trevino et al.,
1999). According to the results from the
survey, the best approach to the ethics and legal compliance program was a
values-based approach (Trevino et al., 1999).
A values-based approach includes making sure every employee is being
treated equally, rewards for ethical behavior, and making sure leaders are
following through with policies, actions, and proceeding with the proper
consequences for unethical behavior (Trevino et al., 1999). With the values-based approach, leaders of
the organization have seen a positive change in the employee attitudes and
behaviors (Trevino et al., 1999). The
main observed outcome from the positive change in the employee attitudes and
behaviors were an increase in commitment to the organization, awareness of
ethical issues, reporting ethical and unethical behaviors amongst co-workers (Trevino
et al., 1999). Also, when employees are
aware of the current ethical and legal issues taking place, they are more prone
to follow the proper procedure when they either witness or experience any
illegal or unethical behaviors (Trevino et al., 1999).
Bullying in the Workforce
Should there be legal actions
against bullying? By definition bullying is considered to be a person that
treats a smaller/weaker person in a hostile, overbearing, or threatening manner
(“Bullying,” 2003).
Sadly, we hear of bullying
becoming more common with the younger generation. With the results of the younger generation
bullying their classmates at school, more children to young adults are
committing suicide over it. Sadly
however, who would have thought that bullying would continue from grade school
to the workforce. Sexual harassment, discrimination, and favoritism, are the
most common types of bullying that employees tend to worry about in the
workforce. When sexual harassment comes to mind, we automatically think about
how horrifying the situation is along with the health and mental issues this
may cause. Over the past 21 years, there were 110 studies conducted comparing
the effects of employees well-being after experiencing bullying and sexual
harassment in the workforce (Zeidner, 2008).
The study found that employees who experienced bullying had a decrease
of commitment to the organization and an increase in stress, anger, and anxiety
compared to employees who experienced sexual harassment (Zeidner, 2008). Any type of unethical behaviors will cause a
rippling effect on an individual, whether the action is committed in the
workforce or outside. Since, there are
no legal ramifications against bullying, a consequence of an employee bullying
their co-worker would be that the co-worker will become less committed to the
organization, which will decrease their job performance and eventually end up
quitting (Zeidner, 2008). Every employee works differently under certain
circumstances. Some employees’ job
performance increases while under stress and some employees’ job performance
decreases while under stress. But, the
cause of stress is different. With a co-worker
being bullied by an employee, the co-worker will experience an increase in
stress, anger, and anxiety levels, ultimately harming the co-workers physical
and mental health conditions (Zeidner, 2008). Some types of physical health
conditions the co-worker may encounter are an increase in blood pressure and
heart rate. A decrease in mental health
caused by stress could eventually turn into depression. Although, there are currently no legal
consequences against bullying, every organization must classify bullying as an
unethical and intolerable behavior and approach bullying in the ethics and
legal compliance program.
Whether a business is considered as a sole proprietorship,
partnership, or corporation, all businesses have an equal obligation of making
sure it is compliant ethically and legally.
Also, each form of business is liable for any misconduct of an
employees’ action on the job. The
leaders and human resource department has a responsibility of making sure that
the organization as a whole is operating ethically and legally. It is an
essential for the leaders and the human resource department to make sure every
employee fully understands the proper behaviors pertaining to their job. Additionally, each employee must be aware of
the consequences of unethical and illegal behavior.
Bullying. (n.d.) The American Heritage® Dictionary of the
English Language, Fourth Edition.
(2003). Retreived April 7 2013
from http://www.thefreedictionary.com/bullying.
Harned, P. J. (2012). About ERC. Ethics Resource Center. http://www.ethics.org/page/about-erc
Millage, A. (2005). Ethical Misconduct Prevalent in
Workplace. The Internal Auditor, 62
(6), 13,15. http://search.proquest.com.huaryu.kl.oakland.edu/docview/202748581?accountid=12924
Trevino, L. K., Weaver, G. R., Gibson, D. G., & Toffler,
B. L. (1999). Managing ethics and legal compliance:
What works and what hurts. California Management Review, 41 (2),
131-151. http://search.proquest.com.huaryu.kl.oakland.edu/docview/216150439?accountid=12924
Zeidner, R. (2008).
Bullying worse than Sexual Harassment? HR
Magazine, 53 (5), 1.
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